
Digital Innovation / Transformation
How does innovation take place in your organisation?
Business Model Innovation
Do you know which business models will be relevant for your company in the future?
Development of digital Services
Is your business prepared to develop digital services?
Sector-specific Innovation
Digital Innovation / Transformation
Thus, we will support you in
- Discovering unexploited potentials in order to analyse and evaluate their benefits,
- Developing customised solutions and ensuring their implementation.
Development of digital Services
- develop consitent and comprehensive digital services and digital service platforms which are fit for the future.
- digitalise your products and services.
- develop operational processes which meet customer requirements in the digital future.
We accompany the entire project – from its initial idea to its final implementation – and see our role as initiator and promoter.
Sector-specific Innovation
Telemedicine and technological innovation have become indispensable in modern healthcare.
We are specialised in identifying potentials, which come with new technologies. Our particular focus concerns
- Increasing efficiency in all areas of the health care system (stationary, ambulant and residential services), especially in the context of rehabilitation and chronical diseases),
Supporting organisations in introducing telemedicine applications.
The digitalisation of public, urban infrastructure, commonly referred to as “Smart City”, is an exciting but also challenging topic. Especially in Vienna. In recent years HMP has gained considerable experience in this field through implementation projects. HMP is able to support your company in:
- developing smart city strategies and implementation concepts
- assessing new technologies in the area of smart cities and evaluating their application
- implementing smart city concepts and supporting the introduction of smart city services
Business Model Innovation
- developing completely new business models and respective implementation concepts
- using practice-proven methods such as business model innovation for process development
- evaluating new business models concerning their feasibility and market suitability
- implementing new business models